I've been feeling a little restless lately, a little stuck in a rut, and a lot like I need to switch things up a bit, so, in that spirit - today's #floweressencefriday is on Quartz crystals. Mineral and flower essences are very related, they're both similar to homeopathic medicine, and they're both forms of vibrational medicine (refer to my introductory post Energetic Herbalism: Flower Essences and Gem Elixirs for more info on this type of healing.) I had been planning on writing this post on Sunflower essence, (yes, another yellow/solar flower), but Quartz has been begging for my attention so much this week that I just had to follow my intuition. So, without further adieu, here is my experience with Quartz essence.
#FlowerEssenceFriday - The Quartz Family
Quartz is one of the first minerals, or crystals, that people are drawn to when they get involved with vibrational healing. The members of this family are "house hold names," if you will. Almost everyone has heard of Amethyst, and most people recognize Rose Quartz and Citrine when they see them. The most important and prominent aspect of Quartz elixirs is that they help to heal a fragile or suffering self-esteem, with each variation doing so in its own unique way.
- Amethyst - Amethyst is for those who feel separated or isolated from the rest of society. It provides a sense of protection from outside forces (judgement) and gently allows us to ground and come to our center, and from there, from knowing our innate sense of worth, to feel more integrated with those around us. It gives us protection from what we believe others will think of us. Amethyst is for those who have difficulty seeing why others would value them, and therefor have a hard time valuing themselves. Use this essence in situations of social anxiety, isolation, and general feelings of loneliness. //
- Citrine - This is one of my favorite essences, and it is one I come back to time and time again. This yellow-orange crystal is a powerful ally for those of us who suffer from depression and self-destructive tendencies. This warming quartz should not be overlooked in situations concerning addiction, body image, or any self-harming behaviors. A lovely way to use it is to add 7 drops to Rose petal infused oil, and apply straight to the heart. (Ps. be cautious when purchasing Citrine, because much of what is sold under its name is heat-treated Amethyst.) //
- Rose Quartz - As tradition has told us, this is a stone of the heart. By allowing us to acknowledge, identify, and release patterns of anger and irritation, Rose Quartz helps us to open a closed off heart center. This essence is specifically indicated for those an inflamed ego that is marked by a false sense of pride. It helps us learn to love and accept our true selves, so that we can let go of our persona/societal mask that we constantly feel the need to defend. By doing so, we develop honest, healthy confidence in ourselves, one that is based off of who we really are. Use Rose Quartz when there is anger directed at the self, or when there is anger directed at others who are simply trying to help you. //
- Lemurian Quartz - This is a stone whose medicine I most often take in the form of carrying it with me. Simply holding this stone helps me to release building anxiety, find the willingness to take a deep breath, and to be in the present moment. The only way I can describe the essence of Lemurian Quartz is "liquid meditation," it instills that sense of clarity, beauty, and calm-alertedness that you feel when you first open your eyes after a sitting meditation. Use it to enhance your meditation practice, when you are feeling frantic and need a wave of calmness, or pair it with Mugwort for expansive dreaming.
Lemurian Quartz (middle) is identified by the horizontal striations that cross it. Only found in Brazil, this stone does not grow in clusters, like other Quartz, but in individual "wands," if you will.
Of course, there are many more uses for these stones than what I have discussed here - these are simply the aspects that stand out to me the most. Though I strongly believe in their healing potentials, these essences are not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy when it comes to mental health - however, I do highly recommend using them as apart of your healing journey, as they have been so helpful to me and to others.
Thank you for reading my blog, for being apart of my herbal growth, and for sharing your energy with me! I hope you have a better understanding of the Quartz family and feel more comfortable using them in your own daily practice.