// this post is dedicated to whipper and keebler, for all the love they gave, and for the memories I will never forget //
Sheep at Native Earth Teaching Farm's 2013 Lammas celebration, in Martha's Vineyard.
When I lived in Martha's Vineyard, I was lucky enough to be invited to Earth based gatherings that met every Equinox, Solstice, and halfway point in between. There I learned about seasonal foods, the harvest cycle, and getting in touch with the spirit world during these celestial changes. I taught a class on the Herbs during the Summer Solstice, enjoyed dancing and story telling during Lammas (the mid-point between the solstice and Autumn Equinox), and then came back to Florida to host my own Autumn Equinox celebration that fall. There I gathered with close friends as we spent time with the season's plant life, were visited by a Barn Owl, and shared food with each other. I also shared an Autumn Equinox elixir with everyone that night, and I'm going to share it with you all now!
This is a special essence blend, one that I only have a few drops left of, but whose powers are as strong as ever. When I am feeling especially vulnerable, I take a drop or two underneath my tongue, pray for extra strength, and thank the plants for all they have given me. If you aren't into magic, folklore, and the idea of there being a spiritual, unseen world - then this post isn't for you. Perhaps I may I re-direct you to this post on seasonal foraging the Autumn Olive?
#FlowerEssenceFriday - Autumn Equinox addition
Black Tourmaline elixir // What can I say about this elixir? It is the most protecting stone I know. The afternoon following a haunting nightmare that involved a thin, cloaked figure attempting to inhabit my body, this stone basically fell into my lap. It helps us deflect the negative energy emitted from others, while helping us maintain a reservoir of energy at the same time (it can be draining protecting ourselves from negative energy). I personally believe this essence helps protect us from the negative energy we emit towards ourselves, especially that negative self-talk that comes from internalizing criticism from others. Black Tourmaline is associated with Capricorn, and I think it is the perfect stone for us fish-goats who need a little protection from ourselves and our negative self-talk! Black Tourmaline is in this essence blend because Autumn is when the nights grow longer and we begin to turn inwards. It protects us from the stress winter inevitably brings and it helps us feel protected from the stress others are emitting during this time.
Aspen flower essence // Aspen essence is a tried and true Bach flower remedy. This is my go-to flower essence when uncertainty or general fear is in the picture. When I lived in the Vineyard, I lived in a shack in the woods and as someone with anxiety, it was very difficult to be surrounded by darkness and be unaware of what every single sound was. I used this essence to feel secure in my surroundings and to feel comforted by the whirling winds, not intimidated by them. I include it in my Autumn Equinox blend because this is a time, magically speaking, we descend into the "underworld" and the veil between the mortal world and the spirit world thins. We are hyper sensitive to other-worldly energies and that can be intimidating. At the same time, it can be exciting! Aspen is in this elixir so we can move past our fears of the unknown, move past dreading what is yet to come, and instead find the magic and extra potential during this time of the year!
Forget-me-not flower essence // A small flower, but a powerful one indeed! Forget-me-not flower essence is truly magical. It allows us to get in touch with those we have lost who are on the other side of the veil. It is used so that we may remember that our connections to our deceased loved ones do not dissipate when they leave the Earthly plane. This essence also stimulates dreams and stimulates visionary dreams at that, making is a powerful ally for this time of the year when we are especially close to our ancestors. Furthermore, and equally as important, Forget-me-Not helps us close off ourselves from the "lower planes," providing protection from unwanted energies so that we may feel free to experiment with our consciousness and dream work.
This years Autumn Equinox falls on September 23rd, which just so happens to be my sister's 20th birthday! I invite you to spend time with yourself on this day, to think about all you have grown and harvested in the past year, all you have accomplished. I invite you to set intentions for slowing down this winter - it is what every other species in nature is doing right now. This is a time that energy begins to move downwards, into the roots. Perhaps nourish yourself with an herbal foot bath, cook some hearty seasonal food, and spend some time with a journal. Maybe take a walk with no other purpose but to be outside and observe how the plants are changing as the seasons change. Above all, this is a time of gratitude. Gratitude towards the earth for all she has given us, gratitude for our fellow human beings, and gratitude towards ourselves, because we made it through another summer.
I hope you enjoy your Autumn Equinox, I know I will! (I have herb class that night, haha!)
Intentions of protection and safety for their passing into the spirit world // sage + black tourmaline
I dedicate this post to my recently-passed-into-the-spirit-world dogs, Whipper and Keebler. You are my animal soul mates, and I am so happy to be seeing you in the dream world now. Thank you for all the love you gave, I hope one day I can be as full of love and life as you both were. I hope your journey was safe, and I'll see you soon.